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The notes below are designed to give prospective readers an idea of what to expect from the book, and to aid in making a decision on whether to buy it.

Yoga Mala, Pattabhi Jois



General Notes


Yoga is 99% practice, 1% theory. We must engage it practically in our daily life.


Good books: Yoga Sutras, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Yoga Upanisads, and Yoga Korunta.


Krisna proclaims yoga only comes because he practiced it in a previous life (in Bhagav Gita)


Guruji went against the grain of his times by dedicating his life to yoga. He never told his family he was teaching yoga. There was never any question, just pure dedication.

If we practice it without fail, we will attain physical, mental, and spiritual happiness, and our minds will flood towards self. 


I worship the Guru’s lotus feet, awaking the happiness of the self-revealed, beyond comparison, acting like the jungle physician, to pacify delusion from the poison of existence.


Yoga is upaya or path.


Yoga is the process of ending the definitions of the field of consciousness. Yoga signifies the means to the realization of one’s true nature.


We can come to know the method for bringing the mind and sense organs under control.


On Satyaa “truth in thought, wood, and deed. The truth must be pleasant to others, an unpleasant truth should not be uttered.”


Bratahmacharya, becoming one with the supreme Brahman alone is brahmacharya. 


7 obstacles:


  1. Celebrating

  2. amorous play

  3. viewing

  4. infatuated discussions

  5. planning

  6. determination

  7. effort of one who has no partner


The wise declare these to be the 7 limbs of romantic activity. 


Avoid mixing with vulgar people.


Surya nadi (right nostril), daytime. 


Left nostril night and sex, Chandra nadi.

Aparigraha is taking only as much food as is needed to maintain our bodies.


Shauca: internal (antah shaucha) and external (bahir shaucha). Internal via treating all with respect.


Santosa from keeping the mind focused in a single direction.


Tapa is discipline to the body and senses. Impurities are destroyed. 


Swadhyaya is the recital of Vedic verses such as the Gayatri.


Ishwarapranihaha is surrender to god. Breath in motion is mind in motion, breath at rest is mind at rest. Work cannot be done perfectly unless trained and calm. 


Disease is a sole consequence of the enjoyment of pleasure, and yoga cannot be attained.

Focus should be learned under the tutelage of a guru. 

To stay fixed and focused, pranaya is essential.

Through the practice of yoga one can attain peace and bliss, the capacity to discriminate between self and non-self, peace of mind, and freedom from disease, death, and poverty. 

Once the asanas have been learned well enough to be practiced with ease, the next limb to be practiced is that of bringing the breath under control. This is called pranayama. 



Practical Tips


Vegetables should not be consumed too much. Sour, salty, or spicy foods are not good. Half of stomach used by food. 1/4th for air. 1/4th for water. 


Rub perspiration into body after exercise. Okay to wash body with hot water after ½ hour but not before. 


For mediation do shirshasana (headstand) for at least 10 minutes.


For middle-aged it is best to do all the asanas. Older don’t do shoulder stand, Uttana Padasana, Halasan, Padmasanas. 


Winter is the best time of year to start and start before 5am. Do not warm up with jogging or near fire or have too much sex before class.

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