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The notes below are designed to give prospective readers an idea of what to expect from the book, and to aid in making a decision on whether to buy it.

Yoga in Modern India, Joseph Alter 


General Notes



Collective self sees all. 


Yoga is an experience of Samadhi. Yoga is union. 


Nothing is perfect. 


Via Kundaini you learn voluntary control over the autonomic nervous system. 


Pranayama controls cellular metabolism and regulates the oxygen flow in the body.


Bradamchara is sexual energy.


Change the mental to change the spiritual energy.


There is a lot of weird stuff about drinking urine and salty, sour, and bitter foods increasing divine link. Did not make sense to me, but maybe it would resonate with others. There is apparently more in Kuvalayanda’s 1963 Yoga Therepay and Sivambu Kalpa Book.

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