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The notes below are designed to give prospective readers an idea of what to expect from the book, and to aid in making a decision on whether to buy it.

The Happiness Hypothesis, Jonathan Haidt


General Notes



The paradox of absolutes. “Nothing is good or bad, just our thinking that makes it so.”


Left brain is larger and focused on analysis.


Right brain processes patterns and is used more by artists.


Frontal cortex controls sexual urges.


People overestimate their own virtues and understate those of others.


Two goals in childhood: safety and exploration. Larger frontal cortex makes you play more.


Intensity increases with a compulsion over time versus passion tends to fall over time.


Adversity makes you stronger. Stressors.


Optimists benefit most from trauma. More resilient if difficulties and trauma occurs before 30 years of age.


Types of Knowledge:

1.     Explicit

2.     Tacit (life skills, adapt to situations)


Aristotle developed strengths and became the person he was destined to be.


All things must be balanced via opposites.







Happiness is:

1.     Getting what want

2.     Changing yourself (Buddhism)=> happiness is within. Must just detach.

3.     Linked with others. Love and relationships.


Connections and marriage are the key to happiness.


Happy people marry sooner and easier, and they stay together.


Happiness increases with age.


Happiness is biology, conditions, and your reaction.


Don’t chase money, work to be happy.


Flow in the zone that makes you happy.


Doing tasks repetitively with feedback makes most people happy.


Happiness depends upon what type of creature you are.

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