The notes below are designed to give prospective readers an idea of what to expect from the book, and to aid in making a decision on whether to buy it.
Awakening Shakti, Sally Kemton
General Notes
Tan = expand tra=illusion. Linked with divine energy of Shakti.
Right hand is mentation and mantra based using visualization. Left handed is more sexual focus.
Shankara is absolute or real. Idea is the that world is unreal, but the soul is real. Maya is the cosmic vial that hides the lack of dualities. Maya is Shakti without Shiva.
Shakti is a female energy behind all. Male has awareness, women has energy and wild energy. All Tantric energy is female from Shakti and divine.
Various types of Shakti energy: Chit = absolute; Andanda bliss and esctacy; Iccha = unimpeded will; Jana = intuitive knowledge; Kria = to do anything. Shakti is both absolute unity (hidden) and then seen ability to change reality.
Brahm is the grandfather. Shakti of creation is Saraswathi.
Vishnu is linked with Ram, Krishan, Sita, Rada, and Lakshmi.
Shakti is waves. All of you is made of Shakti.
Face of separation tries to change things. Face of grace tries to link things together.
Maha Shakti is the universal power of goddess.
Durga: Auspicious beauty, most gentle and most forceful. Liberation and power. Goddess in nature, like a lion with intense gaze. Use to increase strength but do not cuddle. Durga awakens Kundalini.
Lakshmi: loves what you do. Shaki is power. Shri is auspiciousness, Life is good.
Breathe in the positive light. Trust in what you have being enough but also to be generous. Clean house leads to a clean heart.
Kali: Dramatic and blood drinker. Kali Ma Indra. Unexpected gifts from pain. Challenge is to find love. Must destroy to create birth. Power to say no. Imagine Kali fire.
Parvati: Supreme yogini. Sacrifices to her. High ranking in the gods but found pieces of self in others. Strong like Durga. Goddess of love. Mother. Young Maiden. Imagine your maiden with a big, open hear. Marries Shiva at Mt. Kaliash. Allows you to melt. Union with Shiva became one. She is a fair one who has devotion.
Saraswati: wise, intelligent, flows into fire at the bottom of the river, brain focuses more on risk, all knowledge comes from mantras for a long time ago. Father is Brahma but only embodies peace not created by Brahma. Brahma created a 5th face to look at her. She gets jealous and divorces Brahma because she is not a traditional wife. Will not eat. All work and no play. Her dispassionate nature makes her a good mediator. She listens to her intuition. She is the inspiration via the inhale. She speaks. She likes learning and music.
Sita: Loyal and devoted one. She is loving and submissive. Avitar of Lakishmi. Rama + Sita. She takes on suffering from others. Women are the victims. Her melting loves asks nothing and expects nothing but is just there. She is a submissive servant. She is very faithful.
Dhumavati: “Smoky one” Goddess of disappearance. One of the 10 Mahavavidas “Great Wisdom.” Tall, ugly, old, and angry. Outer beauty fades but internal always remains. She can be your guide during failure. Tender Heart. She makes you crave solitude. Let’s you let go of things that you think you need but don’t. Meditate on “Let go.”
Radha: Madly in love. Think of the story of Raslila where she loves Krisna and everyone is dancing with Krisna. Love affair gone awry. She is passive, romantic, and loving.
Chinnamasta: Terror and misery. Head off to Lord for total sacrifice. She does it to herself to help others. Celebrates to draw in sexual energy via Vajooli Mudra. Headless purity and courage. Changes passions to pursue sexual energies. She regulates kundalini.
Lolita TripuraSadan: Opposite of Kali. Feel power of attacks. Form of Parvadty. Inner rapture into a Chakra. Links spiritual love and exotic pleasures. First seeds of life. Sits on a lotus. Fully able to balance. When aroused breathes and travels up spine. Has sexual meanings too.
Bhuvaneini: Infinite space. The Ananda is infinite. She is the many. She puts you into her cosmic veil. She is the mother within Vishnu. She sits quietly and imagines vast space like mountains. Space between things is the key. Earth and sky are non-dual. Pause between breaths and see the open space. Open the back of the heart. Tonglen more effective with direct access to the heart. Enchantress.