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The notes below are designed to give prospective readers an idea of what to expect from the book, and to aid in making a decision on whether to buy it.


Enchantment: Guy Kawasaki


General Notes/Tips



To dream big, you need to convince others to share your dream.


Must understand what others think and feel to enchant them. Others must also benefit.


4 key facets:

  1. Smile

  2. Dress equal with others

  3. Handshake with eye contact

  4. Make vocals simple, short and supportive


Values: Accept others, get close to them. Don’t impose your own values, pursue and project your passion.


Swear infrequently.


Trust others: Zappos or Amazon’s returns shows the power of trust. Being a mensch ‘human being’ honest.


Disclose conflicts when you have them. 


Pay things forward.


Be a pie baker, not a pie eater.


Less adjectives, more verbs.


Be humble.


Make it easy for others.


Steady and positive message is important.


Need a great demo, not a long PowerPoint.


You need to give up the illusion of control - you cannot control others.


Plant many seeds.


Ask people if they will support you. Pure measurement effect will make them help you more.


Figure out who is a first follower, assuming they are not making choices but are lowering risk (but this is not always true).


Scarcity increases demand. 


Use pictures/images. 40,000 shoes, personalized stories, and other ways.


Harmonize objections. “Not yet” “tell me more” never say no. Ask “what if we were to change x, y, or z?”


Find bright spots that are working.


He who has done kindness is more likely to repeat it. He did it before and there was no harm. Liked something about it.


Conformity > Identity > Internalization


Independent business units where different types of people can flourish.


Separate believers who are not all linked together.


Invoke reciprocity. Give with joy. Give early. Give unexpectedly. 


Say “I know you would do the same for me.” Not “You’re welcome.”


Have a great cause as your #1. 


Build evangelists. Champion ideas. Give people meaning. Welcome support.


Engage fast and reply fast.


Engage mentors. Engage often.


In presentations - customize the introduction to form a link with them. Sell your dreams, not your products. Think screenplay, not speech. Shorten and show proven.


Smile in your photos.


Make video content inspirational, entertaining, enlightened, and educational.


For employees MAP: M = mastery. Get better at something. A = autonomy.  Let them work on their own. P = Purpose.


Judge yourself by comments others make. 


Inspire others to find their own dreams.


Don’t ask others to do things you would not do.


Celebrate success. Motivate one another. Do things that are fun and cool. 


3 reasons people value things:

  1. Duty

  2. Belonging

  3. Mastery to learn a skill.


Provide encouragement, feedback, and free stuff (free stuff always has a super high ROI).


With bosses make them look good. Drop everything to do whatever they want. Do work quickly and ask for feedback. 


Make friends, less energy required to be friendly. Ask for mentoring. 


Give bad news early. 


Expensive and good feels the worst at purchase. Cheap and bad feels the best at purchase.


Be aware of your limits.


Be skeptical of advice when it is groundbreaking, too good to be true, or the giver has a vested interest.


Checklist for decisions –

  • wait a week

  • a year from now it will seem wise

  • did homework

  • will not harm people or environment

  • sets a good example for your kids

  • no one could see it and it would still seem smart

  • everyone could see it and it would still seem smart.

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