The notes below are designed to give prospective readers an idea of what to expect from the book, and to aid in making a decision on whether to buy it.
Light on Pranayama, BKS Iyangar
​General Notes
Empty self-desire asanas and join the cosmic energy.
Read and reread part 11 of the Upanushads. Pranic, royal, prospects, freedom.
Yoga = union between individual self (jvatma) and universal self (Paramutma).
Consciousness is mind and intelligence.
Atma (real self) is unknown, but comes from knowing the self better.
Sheaths that we must peel back are the koshas.
Man has 4 aims in life:
Darma (duty)
Artha (to give alms)
Kama (enjoy life)
Moksha (liberation)
3 Doshas:
Wind (vata) which gives breath
Bile which gives thirst
Phlegian (semen) which gives liberation.
The lungs have 300 million air sacs in each lung. Alveda changes with the blood.
Lungs open sideways.
6 destroyers of yoga:
Over exertion
Useless talk
Bad company
Restless natures
Sweat glands are micro kidneys and filters.
Look at heart with eyes closed.
Skin removes certain salts and toxins.
Early morning is best for asanas. Do not practice breath retention before sleep. It will keep you awake.
Savasasa always after practice. It regulates your energy and lowers digestion.
Women avoid practice during period.
When sitting have head straight. Nose over sacrum. Soles of feet make a side wall. Stretch from upper chest.
Breath is the turbulence
Mudra is a seal or lock.
Bandha is a bond or joining together.
Jalhandara shoulders, face down, force chest up, do not cave abs. Cool energy does not flow down this way.
Uddiyana should not be done on a full stomach. Birds fly via the samna.
Mula apana flows up to meet the prana. Inversions invest the apana.
Exhales calm the nerves.
Retention (kumbhaka) sense still and the brain is relaxed. Pull abdominal organs up. Do not force the hold. Do not do when standing (you may fall).
Beginner physical postures but lacks rhythm and poise.
Vrti movement. Smavritia = equal inhale and exhale. 1:1/4:1 then 1:1/2:1, then 1:3/4:1, then 1:1:1.
Do not hold after an exhale until done.
Irregular (visamuti 1:2:1 then 1:3:1 then 1:4:1).
Nose goes via ethmoid bone at base of the skull. Linked to the olfactory nerve, different elements in each nostril. Use two smaller fingers because it’s the same size as the thumb. Plug at end of the nose, not the top. No not move chin with pressure. Eyes, jaws, cheeks, skin relaxed. Try to make it as smooth as possible.
Bhastika and Kapalbasana. 4-8 blasts. Flew sow Uji (5-8), then later.
Sitali and Sitakari without Jalandrha. Head level. Curl tag like the end. Draw in the air as if drinking via a straw. Fill lungs to their capacity. Close mouth and Jalhindara. Exhale as Uji. Try sometimes without tongue curled. Very cold.
Surya Bindona. Inhale right, Exhale left.
Chakra is the moon. All inhales via the left nostril.
Left brain controls the right side of the body and is responsible for regulating vices.
Dhyana is abortion and a deeper sleep.
Lotus is a symbol for mediation (padmasana).
Brain has 3 parts:
Frontal corex (thinking and images)
Hypothalamus (organics and pain/pleasure)
Cerebellum (muscle control).
Meditation is best done as the first or last thing of the day and not with asanas. Mind and matter become fused. It allows the subconscious to emerge not just as analysis.
Savaasa is relaxing. Do not move and do not allow intellect to come in. Ribs should relax and move like pearls.
Via yoga you are pulled slowly like the light of a star across the galaxy.
Feet out, palms face up, buttocks on ground, arms at 15 degree angle, minimize work.
Prana and Pranayama
Prana is all vibrations. They converge. Apana is control of the wind. Samanac are the gustic fires. All parts of life in union in the cosmic force.
Prana is drawn when the diaphragm contracts after the contraction of the abdominal wall. Ribs separate during the inhale via the lift up. Even the lower ribs must lift.
Pranayama slows the breath to extend the life. It is not blind routine. You need to adjust to the needs of each day. Spine as flute. Adjust it from the base up. Firm but not too tight.
Pranayama requires stable mind and stable spine.
Ears in pranayama are like the eyes during asana practice.
Inhale, raise spine, look up. Down as far as you can to absorb the cosmic energy. Then chest up so that lungs fill from the bottom. Absorb the prana.