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The notes below are designed to give prospective readers an idea of what to expect from the book, and to aid in making a decision on whether to buy it.

Original Light, Snatam Kaur


This book is super easy to read. Below are some rough chapter-by-chapter notes of what I learned from it.



General Notes



Sadhana is dedicated practice. The 10th day should be devoted to God. God gives us 9/10 ths.


Yogi Bhajan had Parkinson’s and moved from India to the USA in 1969.


Every blink you have 1,000 thoughts. Only one is put into words.


Underneath what is said, flow continues, it is silent. This is called Anahat. It is the

vibrations of the cosmos and you can tune into it with practice.




Chapter 1



Gift of Practice: If you take the first step towards a guru he will take 1 million steps towards you.


Five stages of Aquarian Sudha:

  1. Prepare and clean.

  2. Jap Ji by Guru Nanat Soul’s merger with the one.

  3. Kundalini Yoga.

  4. Sadhana Mantras.

  5. Gateway to desire. The benefits are better digestion, stable nervous system, clearer karmas, community, stillness, and it clears away things and allows self-reflection.


Aquarian age since 11/11/1991 means much more sharing than in the previous Pieces age.


  1. Recognize others are you.

  2. There is a way through every block.

  3. Story and pressure will decrease.

  4. Understand via compassion.

  5. Vibrate into the cosmos.




Chapter 2



Sacred Sounds: Mantra is a projection of the mind. It changes the vibrations and changes the



Sabad Guru: enlightenment is via surrounding the ego.


You must:

  1. Listen.

  2. Surrender the ego.

  3. Sing with love to God or the Guru. Tongue vibrates on 84 different meridians on the top of the tongue.




Chapter 3



Journey Into Kundalini: Works because


  1. Chakras.

  2. Rising pulses within the body.

  3. Effects on all 10 bodies (not just the physical bodies).


Kriya is a sequence of postures or techniques to have an impact on the body, psyche, and self.



  1. Accepts self, gives security, stability, loyalty, grounds.

  2. Sexuality.

  3. Fire via spiritual practice.

  4. Heart gives compassion, kindness, and forgiveness.

  5. Chanting and throat.

  6. Third eye - Pituitary. Sadhana.

  7. Top of head which experiences God directly.

  8. Energy field around us.


Kundalini increases when Pranat Apana white at navel (3 fingers width below belly button).


Pineal gland at the center of skull is a 1,000 petaled lotus where the two optic nerves meet behind eyes.


10 bodies:


  1. Soul.

  2. Negative mind to protect us.

  3. Positive mind from navel to push us ahead.

  4. Neutral mind—just is.

  5. Physical body. Takes 8.4 million lives to be born human.

  6. Arcline or hallucinations in the head. “I am.”

  7. Aura is the electromagnetic field three feet around you which can heal and neutralize.

  8. Pranic, which is energy via the breath.

  9. Subtle, which sees the future via meditation and feels out a room.

  10. Radiant body which gives courage and others feel your love.




Chapter 4



Alter of Self: Meditation space is between the vibrations. Sit on natural cloth for yoga (e.g.

cotton), which is better for the nervous system.


Start your practice between 4am and 7am when the sun’s angle keeps the earth quiet.


Brush your teeth before meditation.


Drink warm water.


Brush your hair which connects self to the sun.


Take a cold shower.


Rub oil into your ears.


Wear cottons shorts to protect.


Extricate first thing in the morning.


Meditation dress is white in natural fibers with a head covering.




Chapter 5/6



Bliss in the Body: Left foot “yo” and then right foot “ga.” Not the real meaning, just a way to chant—kind of cool!


Take breaks to let energy rise.


Navel engagement is important.


Adrenals increase the kidneys and lower the stress which is positive for mental state.


Keep the ratios of practice the same if you increase or decrease the time of yoga performed.


Teaching minimizes music and talking.


Bandhas increase the nerve function, circulation, and flow of cosmic energy.


Uddiyaan only on the exhale.


Massage therapy.


Breath of fire 2-3x a second.




Chapter 6/7



Chant as the Sun Rises: Hydrate and ensure an empty bladder.


Close your eyes if you know the words.


Chant as the sun comes up.


Mantras create a vortex.


It’s okay if someone sleeps in chanting as they get the vibrations.


Yanti is the link between the self and cosmic self.


Brahmaday is Brahma, Vishu, and Shiva.


Translation of the mantras.


Virasana is hero’s pose.


Left heel under the perineum, spine straight.


Sit in silence at the end.




Chapter 7/8



Surrender, Bow, Receive: Bow and Pray to take divine reading.


Gurdawan is the door and the guru.


Khalsa is to purify.


Shabus is a sacred poem.


Hakam is a command.


Ardas is to pray.


Food and treats after service are free.


Just meditate on something that lifts you up.


May long time sunshine rest upon you.


All love surrounds you and pure light is within you to guide you on your way.


Presence of self.


40, 90, or 1,000-day practices are needed, less won’t help.


No should, only ‘for the love of it.’




Chapter 8/9/10



Blessings for Family and Community: Give kids samsakras not cars.


Patterns of vibrations.


Kids learn from examples.


Groups vibrations converge.


Auras merge to a group Aura.


Community practice is10x more powerful than solo practice.


Joining of psyches if one person is in too deep, others help out.


Purification offset.


Don’t get upset at the little things (e.g., the smell of others). Use it to meditate.


Siva is selfless service.


Invite all, don’t exclude.


Find a teacher, attend a festival.

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