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The notes below are designed to give prospective readers an idea of what to expect from the book, and to aid in making a decision on whether to buy it. 


The Essential Rumi, Coleman Barks


This ancient mystic has many interesting quotes which might prove to be good inspiration for a theme. I have only included quotes from the first 100 pages, and suspect a richer exploration of this text may be helpful.







My soul is from elsewhere. I am sure of that, and I intend to end up there.


Close both eyes to see with the other eye.


Quit acting like a wolf and feel the shepherd’s love fill you.


All people on the planet are children except those free of desire.


From books and words come fantasy, and sometimes from fantasy comes unity.


Don’t ask questions about longing. Look into my face.


Notice how each particle moves. Notice how everyone has just arrived here from a journey. Notice how each wants a different food. Notice how the stars vanish as the sun comes up and how all streams stream towards the ocean.


You know my coins are counterfeit, but you accept them anyway, my impudence and my pretending.


Don’t try to put out a fire with more fire. Don’t wash away blood with blood.


Lo, I am with you always, means when you look for God, God is in the look of your eyes, in the thought of looking, nearer to you than yourself, or things that have happened to you. There is no need to go outside. Be melting snow. Wash yourself of yourself. A white flower grows in the quietness. Let your tongue become that flower.


A lover’s food is the love of bread, not the bread itself. No one who really loves, loves existence.


Every thirst gets satisfied except that of these fish, the mystics, who swim a vast ocean of grace, still somehow longing for it!


Mystics are experts in laziness. They rely upon it.


The breeze at dawn has secretes to tell you. Don’t go back to sleep. You must ask for what you want. Don’t go back to sleep.


Give up wanting what other people have and you will be safe.


A flame doesn’t consider the size of a woodpile. The motion of the body comes from the spirit, like the movement of a waterwheel comes from a stream.


But don’t be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth, without complicated explanation, so everyone will understand the passage. We have opened you. Start walking towards the Shams. Your legs will get heavy and tired. Then comes a moment of feeling the wings you’ve grown lifting.    


Don’t worry about transitory things like money. Live like animals do and give thanks.


Don’t let your throat tighten with fear. Take sips of breath all day and night. Before death close your mouth.


The light changes. I need more grace than I thought.

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