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The notes below are designed to give prospective readers an idea of what to expect from the book, and to aid in making a decision on whether to buy it.


The Vitas Psoas, Jo Ann Staugaard-Jones




General Notes



The Vital Psoas Muscle

The Psoas is the only muscle that links the upper and lower body together via the spine and the legs.  


Psoas allows the hip to provide lumbar support.


Everything works as part of a system.


Park of the iliosoas works with the iliacus to ensure a forward pelvic tilt.


Balancing and core stimulation comes via the Psoas.


The Psoas is quite deep and cannot be touched or easily palpitated.


Exercises that can help the psoas include plank, ½ bridge, runners lunge, tree, lay on back with knees up, pelvic tilts.  


Kegel exercises via squeezing the sit bones together, holding, and breathing also helps. One can also achieve kegel exercises by sitting on yoga balls.


Child’s pose is a perfect release from any of these poses.  


Somatic memory is when the body holds onto past trauma.


Psoas is the fight or flight muscle. Learn to release it over time via the fetal position. Healing savasansa, body scan and meditation can help.


Psoas is part of the sexual arousal system.  


Psychoenergitc science’s 6th sense.


7 chakras. Psoas is linked to the root chakra. You can access it via various sitting poses: sudhasana, siddhasana, lotus, seated staff, ½ sitting twist, boat. Standing poses that target it include moutnaint, W1, W II, Tree, and child’s pose.


Marching, stooping, getting a foot massage, mula bandha - all access the Psoas.


2nd Chakra lets us flow like water. Heals the badder and menstruation. Accessed via uddhiyana bandha. Sitting in Baddakonasana, forward fold, paschimotanasas, ½ moon, trikonasas, backbends like bridge, pigeon, and happy baby, as well as Cat Cow.


3rd Chakra is where the functional meets the breath. Backbends such as cobra, up dog, camel, fish, down down, and bow help one access this chakra.


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