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The notes below are designed to give prospective readers an idea of what to expect from the book, and to aid in making a decision on whether to buy it.

Raja Yoga, Swami Vivikanda (1973)

General Notes



Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest this divine within and via external and internal control.

Each man is a conduit for the infinite ocean. Nothing supernatural, just changing the manifestations.


The goal in yoga is liberation of the soul via perfection.


Attention illuminates things via concentration.


Origins are perceptions which become the mind and then the mind becomes the soul. 


Without eating you become weak, so eat, but trim plants so as not to kill all of the plant.


Need to eat and sleep, not too little, not too much, in order to maximize energy.


Ashtanga over with Yamas, Niyamas, etc.


Pray for knowledge and light.


Akasa is all penetrating (formed via prana). Control prana and control the mind. Prana creates magnetism and is the critical force in every living being.


Whole universe is just vibrations.


Higher focus decreases the time needed for a task.


Light is the highest vibration. Many low vibrations exist that we do not see. 


Spine is lining an infinity symbol. Left Ida, right Pingala (Sushuma in middle). Chidakasa is the knowledge space. Direct energy comes via Sushumnu. Dreams start from muladaha shakra.


Breath harmonizes the system. Inhale 4, hold 16, exhale 8 for example.


Pratyahara is the detachment of the mind from the center. Let it wander first for a while then later detach it. 


Dharana is focus on a given point. For example, focus on the lotus of light in Brahma. It should be calming.


Ideally focus on one thing in life. With focus you control it all.


Super consciousness above mind. Scientifically, slowly.


Experience is the key, not just reading books.


3 aspects of meditation: sabdu (sound), artha (meaning), and jnana (knowledge). 


Fire of yoga burns sins of man. He who comes to yoga with the Lord is happy. Abhava yoga focuses on the self. Maha yoga focuses on the universe and is the highest yoga.





Prana and Pranayama



Pranayama purifies the nerves. Needs to be done at least twice a day, ideally 3-4x a day. Feel it, don’t focus on the theory. 


Create sacred space for pranayama. Want to make sure that you have peace, quiet, and possibly incenses. 


Prana control occurs via moving lungs correctly.


You can also share prana with others.


The universe is an ocean of ether, vibrating with prana. Spirit is the core, mind is mantel; matter is outer crust and weakest vibration.


Pranayama is control of prana not just breath.







Misery stems from fear.


If you don’t die, you cannot fear death. 


A sick body makes a sick mind.


Unity is the end (not secrets or anything mysterious).


Few have the power of attention, fewer have the perseverance.


Breath is the fly-wheel supplying energy to the body.


All religions teach to be unselfish.




Later Stages


Much of the later stages of the book repeats pages of the yoga sutras and has a long discussion of them. Much of it is pretty dry, but there are some very good points to consider and things to learn.


Yoga is the restraint of the mind stuff (chitta) from taking vrittis form. Book of the lake is our true self, Lake is chitta, waves are vritties. 


Samadhi can occur in many ways. It can occur via reasoning, discrimination, bliss, and an unqualified ego. It can also occur via devotion using AUM, or it can occur via lowering the chittia and restraining the breath. Can also get there by meditating on white light or giving up attachment. Many ways to the same place.


Mortifications, study, and surrender to God is Kriya yoga, which also leads to Samadhi.


Ignorance is to mistake the impure for the pure. 


Attachment comes from excessive focus on pleasure.


Aversion dwells on pain.


Misery that is not yet here can be avoided.


Gunas are:

  1. Undefined/subtle

  2. Merely indicated/cosmic intelligence

  3. Sign-less/prakriti.


We all must be pure to get anywhere with yoga, especially Kundalini.


Think the opposite of bad ideas.


By being non-stealing we become rich.


Non receiving is the key to remembering past lives.


Devotion to the lord is so important in getting to Samadhi.


Pursue firm and pleasant. Next inhale and exhale, focus/hyena, and this helps make habits steady.


Focus on the sun to get the knowledge of the world.


Focus on the navel circle to get the knowledge of the body.


Daivalya is perfection. 


Purusha is lord of the mind.


Meditation is distraction of attachment.


All minds are linked.


Greatest power is finite not gross.


“Both you and I have been through many births. You know them not. I know them all.” - Bhagavad Gita


Rebirth cycle and knowledge linked with Egypt—long discussion of history.


Discipline with faith in the guru is always critical. A long discussion of discipline is in the book.

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