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The notes below are designed to give prospective readers an idea of what to expect from the book, and to aid in making a decision on whether to buy it.

Seat of the Soul-Gary Zukav​


Preface by Oprah

When personality serves the energy of the sun, that is authentic empowerment.

Before reading Oprah suffered too much for a disease to please.  After reading, she moved to intentional purpose, stating her purpose upfront.


Preface by Maya Angelou

Courage is important.



Do not worry the arrow will find its mark. has more information

We are multisensory humans that have senses beyond the 5 senses.

Moment, thought, formoffer us a sense of wonder.

General Notes


Ch. 1: Evolution.

Move from using 5 sense to being multisensory.  Intentions matter, never lone, understand selfless.

Need reverence to have a purpose.

Evolution is physical dominance. 

What causes us to expand?  To contract?

External power is rank, election, and a job. 

Internal power is more consistent.

External power is generated by fear

Authentic power is meaningfulness, purpose

Personality causes us to experience anger, fear, judgement, lust, and passion.

Love and compassion come from the soul and are immortal.

Soul is the core of the being and feels energy.


Ch 2. Karma:

The soul is outside of time, immortal and timeless.

The multisensory personality sense other life energies. 

Personality unique to you and has a complex mandate.

Soul is like a drop of water in the ocean.

Souls have compassion, clarity, and boundless love.  Soul is, it has no start, no end, and flows to wholeness.

Must accept responsibility for good and the bad.

Personal karma means you will get from the world what you give to the world.  It’s not a moral thing, but rather an energic principle.  A soul must balance its energy. 

Judgment gives one bad karma.  Christ and Gandhi did not prosecute people who hurt them.

Nonjudgmental justice does not allow for negative emotions but trusts in karma.


Ch. 3: Reverence

Respect and do not harm life.  Honor and value life.

Connect with the interior of beings. 

Think about the value of life energy before committing it.

Reverences is a spiritual element. 

Do not harm life, trust in the holiness of all.


Ch. 4: Heart

Feelings are a window to vital energies.

Emotions are currents of energy and reflect emotions. 

Life continues with momentum unless acted upon by another force.

White = all colors of light. Black = no light.  Evil = absence of light.  Solve evil with adding light.


Ch.5: Intuition

Humans are not alone, we need to trust.

Distrust is painful for all.

Hunches and intuitions from the soul are important for evolution.

Emotions are linked to the soul.  Why are you disturbed?  Is it you or them?

Clearing your emotions renders you harmless and helps choose unconditional love.

Have openness to the Universe.

Intuition involves survival, creativity, and inspiration.

Truth empowers and can be contaminated with fear.

Soul is like a drop of water taken from a cup taken from the water tank.


Ch. 6: Light:

Nonphysical reality cannot be seen by existing tools at one time.  But like subatomic particles that cannot be seen, they do exist.

All being are light with different frequencies.

Thoughts produce emotions.

Light represents consciousness or enlightenment.

All souls both guide and teach.

The vertical path increases awareness

The horizontal path satisfies self.

Teachers clarify a path and add knowledge, they do not involve karma.

Misusing knowledge causes one to become ashamed and guilt which cause fear.


Ch. 7: Intentions

Dynamic beings of light.

Intentions both conscious and unconscious.

Humans are beings of light who shape light with compassion and intentions.

Layers of reality: deepest is personal, then people that we interact with, then city, then earth, then universe… other layers are less personal (middle layers are being a father, man, black, etc.).

Collective unconsciousness is the soul of human species.

Our intentions plus others’ intentions yield reality.


Ch. 8: Intentions

You are the product of the karma of your soul. 

Emotions can be fear (low frequency, anger, exhaustion) or love (higher frequency, joy/light).

Love heals all.

Karma => personality => intentions + energy + experience => reactions => karma….and on and on it goes….

World is consciousness of personality but not consciousness of the soul.

Spiritual partners orbit each other as their souls are linked.

Intentions shape experience.

You cannot be compassionate with others until you are compassionate with yourself.



Ch. 9: Choice

Every choice is intention driver and must be aware of the intention.

Responsible choices consider the consequence of nourishing the soul and challenge and release the wants of the personality.

Higher power via love, forgiveness, and humility.  Lower power from fear.

Struggles do not create3 karma, only aligns decisions with the soul.

Temptation is the opportunity for the soul to learn without creating karma.  No harm in temptation, only in acting.

Lucifer is light bringer and a snake,

Authentic power is earned.

Cannot release addiction until you understand the dynamics under it.


Ch. 10: Addiction:

Must acknowledge addiction.  Accept it as a part of yourself to be controlled.

Acts such as sex and drinking without reverence are one soul praying on a weaker soul.

Look at expect and real gains from behavior. 

You are stronger than your addiction

Does acting increase enlightenment?  Make you more loving?

Conscious life causes you to chose to see temptation as a way to acquire power over it and learn.

No one is complete.  We are all on a journey for wholeness.

The universe does not judge.

Tradeoff between wholeness and freedom versus pleasure.

Addiction makes you unconscious and creates negative karma.


Ch. 11: Relationships:

Commitment increases our capacity to love others. 

People do not behave as if they believe in an afterlife.

Lack of humility shows lack of reverence.

Start with loving self before others.  Lower own fear before helping others’ fear.

Need trust each other and our ability to grow together via choices and relationships.

Soul is not personality. 

If not tempted, then there is no power in a choice.

Great soul is aligned with great interdependence, compassion, and wisdom.


Ch. 12: Souls:

Humans have individual souls.  Animals only have group souls (how the $uck he knows?!)

You are dual. Your teachers are nonphysical nondual from the angelic kingdom.  Karma still applies.

Soul does not have a beginning or end, but some souls are older. 

Ocean is God. Drop = you.

Body is instrument of the soul.

Body needs rest and care but also needs a soul.



Ch. 13: Psychology

Psychology means soul knowledge and study of spirit and study of personality.

Must acknowledge your soul exists.

Experience balances the energy of the soul.

Suffering shapes the soul.

Must love yourself before you can love others or feel their love. 

Reactions sometimes are informed by previous lives or karmas.

Move from 5 sense to multisensory experience.

Moon orbits earth, earth orbits sun, etc.


Ch. 14: Illusions:

Illusions are specific to the soul, driven by intentions.  Illusions are malleable.

Illusions bring healing to parts of the soul.

Bad behavior -> negative karma -> negative emotion -> temptation (if reject)-> authentic power (if follow temptation)-> bad behavior and the cycle continues until broken with rejecting temptation. 

Being angry makes world and experience angry

Being loving makes the work and your experience loving.

Fear from personality and from sense of powerlessness.

Negative behavior is an illusion because disappears when it reaches a non-dual step.

Success and failure involve right and wrong is an illusion. 

Need authentic or essential -> to soul => my by universe with love.

Avoid nonauthentic or artificial -> to personality => creates negative emotion if unmet -> solved by being authentic.


Ch. 15: Power

Power is not an ability to exert self onto others or provide for inner security. There is no power in fear.

Power is what you stand for and the energy from the light of your soul. 

Placing energy into distrust or fear causes pain.

Fear is a loss of power.

Power is true feeling via the heart.

Authentically empowered is trust, love, and humility, allowing for forgiveness (an energy dynamic) which cut self loose from past.

A humble spirit does not need much.

Prestige desired by personality only rests in the hands’ of others.

Intention in sharing determines if complain or share. Do not hold others responsible for your experience.  You lose power.

When you forgive you release the critical judgement of others and yourself. You lighten up.  As David Williams says the goal of yoga is to levitate.  So lighten up!

Authentically empowered is clear in thinking and perceptions.

Loving does not seek to dominate but to impower via humility and forgiveness.

Love = freedom = authentic power.


Ch. 16: Trust:

Each soul has a goal.  Authentic empowerment fulfills one’s soul goal.

When fear ceases to scare you, it disappears.

No single path for the soul exists.  There are numerous paths.

Let go of the reward, take your hands off the steering wheel, and live life in the hands of the universe.

You are supported by nonphysical teachers.  Trust the universe. 

Allow self to pray. When asking for guidance, assume it will come.  Enter a divine partnership.

Payer gives one grace (divinity and calmness), it’s not an endless process. 

Follow intentions of your heart.

Open yourself to fellow humans.

When harsh with others it harms you. 

Challenge your fears.  Discharge negative consciousness.

Trust allows you to give, experience bliss, and laugh.   Trusting the Universe is bliss.

What is it you wish to contribute to the species?

Don’t become soul in a body but a body in a soul.  Reach for your soul.



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