The notes below are designed to give prospective readers an idea of what to expect from the book, and to aid in making a decision on whether to buy it.
Chakra Clearing, Doreen Virtue
General Notes
You are the light.
The chakras are spinning clockwise. Does not matter how big you imagine them to be but they are the same size. They shrink with fear. They become more clear with meditation.
Notice your thoughts and release the thoughts.
Breathe in light (especially in the morning). You are perfect, whole, and complete. Feel the light expand within you.
Allow the light to dissolve fear, anger, etc.
Release desires and fear into the light. Let it go.
I am loved now. Notice darkness and release it into the light.
Release goals and desires into the light.
Take two or three deep clearing breaths. Visualize clouds with bright colors coming from each chakra.
Visualizations including bright white light through the head, different globes with equal sizes at each chakra, vacuum sucks the negative energy into heavy clouds which purify. Low, medium, and high.
Take in one color and release another. Repeat 3x.
Everything is linked via the etheric cords. People feel sex and conflict in solar plexus, grief in the heart, pain in shoulders.
Tone is important.
Fragrances help.
Food can help too.
Crystals are another way to do it.
Don’t be afraid of who you are and what others think.
What if others never see wonder?